Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back from the London DDD-Exchange

I just came back from London where Gojko Adzic and I led a 4-day full immersion Domain Driven Design class in Skills Matter HQ. Wasn’t it enough, on friday we had the first edition of DDD-Exchange, in the Crypt with quite a few interested participants.

First of all, I’ve got to thank everybody in Skills Matter for the fantastic job. Organization was incredibly efficient with wi-fi, food and beverages, real-time twitter coverage and quick publishing of the talks on the company website (mine is here). Despite a long line of sleepless nights working on the presentation and my terrible accent, looks like everything went fine. We had quite a few interesting talks, and I also participated to my first park bench panel, which turned out being quite interesting and open ended. Also, beers with some of the folks that came to attend the DDD-Exchange were even more open ended.

So, despite being incredibly tired, at the end I felt like I did something good, many people actually liked my presentation and we had many interesting discussions during the breaks.

By the way I uploaded my presentation on Slideshare, after making some small corrections and adding some notes to prevent possible misunderstandings.

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