The Ubiquitous Language plays many roles in DDD, among others it may be considered an integrity check for any model in play assuring that every role involved in software development, from domain experts to developers, shares the same language and agrees on the specific meaning of every term which is part of the ubiquitous language.

Making the contexts explicit, we are making both models clearer and unambiguous.

Ok, this first example might be too trivial: the term Account refers to two different concepts, and simply calling them BankingAccount and LoginAccount might have solved the problem. A more subtle distinction might arise when the concepts is the same but but used in different ways, thus leading to different models.
Let’s suppose we’re working with an application managing payments. We’ll probably use this application to manage our Banking Accounts, keeping track of current balance and past operations. The model for our Banking Account might be a BankingAccount class like the one below.

Some PFM apps allow us to manage also payments, keeping a Payee Registry. In this scenario, a Payee is normally associated with one or more Banking Account, but in this case we won’t know anything of the internals nor we can issue any operation on those accounts. Does it make sense to model the Payee account with the BankingAccount class we’ve just defined?

Well... it does sound reasonable: it’s the same concept, I mean, in the real world our account and the payee’s one might even be in the same physical bank. Still, it doesn’t feel completely right: we are not supposed to issue any operation on the payee Banking Account, or to track anything on that. Even worse: doing so would probably be a bad mistake within our application.
In this case, we’re using the same concept in different ways, and this will lead us to different models. Even if the class is already defined in the application, a different context calls for a different model.

So, a Context is a “space” where a given concept is precisely defined without ambiguities, so that it can be safely used in the Ubiquitous Language. If the same concept appears different times with different meanings within an application, we’re probably heading towards multiple Bounded Contexts within the same application.
In Domain Driven Design, a model is intended to serve a specific use, and nontrivial applications often tend to be used in different ways: trying to accommodate every use within a single model is a meaningless effort. It will end up corrupting your model with ill-defined or ambiguous term making the model you developed within a context less valuable. Contexts cannot be expanded indefinitely: Context Boundaries are needed to define which concepts are in and which ones are out, and to ensure conceptual integrity to the model within the context.